World Languages
Course Offerings
The World Languages department at East High School offers classes in both French and Spanish as well as an elective class in Language and Culture. The breadth of offerings include:
- French Levels 1-4
- IB French:
- PIB French 1-2
- IB French 3
- IB French 4 SL
- Spanish Levels 1-6
- IB Spanish:
- PIB Spanish 1-2
- IB Spanish 3
- IB Spanish 4/5 SL
- IB Spanish 5/6 HL
(Link opens in Xello, then click on the World Languages link at the left)
Tips For Improving World Languages Skills
- Find a show on a streaming service in the language you study and turn on captions in that language. The longer you watch the show, the more you'll understand - and eventually acquire.
- Locate some popular music in the language and add it to your playlist. The more you listen to the song(s), the sooner you will know the lyrics and acquire that vocabulary and those structures.
- Practice language skills in the classroom
- Practice language skills with friends/family
- Use popular language-learning apps
- Watch children’s TV shows/movies/videos
- Read comics and kid’s stories
- Listen to music
- Join World Languages clubs offered here at East
Tips for Achieving Success in the Classroom
- Advocate for yourself: Ask your teacher for help; let your teacher know if you are struggling
- Actively listen to the language used in class & practice using the language
- Actively participate in class
- Complete all assignments
- Avoid distractions like electronics and offtopic side conversations
- Do your best and allow yourself grace as you learn
World Languages Faculty
- Julie Dunkelberger, Department Leader and Spanish Teacher
- Kelsey Beckman, Spanish Teacher
- Tyler Crighton, French Teacher
- Jennifer Robinson, French Teacher
- Hannah Rood, Spanish Teacher
- Mallela Sabas, Spanish Teacher
- Arianna Witmer, Spanish Teacher